Offline safe reinforcement learning (OSRL) involves learning a decision-making policy to maximize rewards from a fixed batch of training data to satisfy pre-defined safety constraints. However, adapting to varying safety constraints during deployment …
Bayesian optimization (BO) is a powerful approach to sample-efficient optimization of black-box functions. However, in settings with very few function evaluations, a successful application of BO may require transferring information from historical …
Offline design optimization problem arises in numerous science and engineering applications including material and chemical design, where expensive online experimentation necessitates the use of in silico surrogate functions to predict and maximize …
Predicting the spatiotemporal variation in streamflow along with uncertainty quantification enables decision-making for sustainable management of scarce water resources. Process-based hydrological models (aka physics-based models) are based on …
Offline optimization is an emerging problem in many experimental engineering domains including protein, drug or aircraft design, where online experimentation to collect evaluation data is too expensive or dangerous. To avoid that, one has to optimize …
We consider the problem of optimizing expensive black-box functions over high-dimensional combinatorial spaces which arises in many science, engineering, and ML applications. We use Bayesian Optimization (BO) and propose a novel surrogate modeling …
We introduce GAUCHE, a library for GAUssian processes in CHEmistry. Gaussian processes have long been a cornerstone of probabilistic machine learning, affording particular advantages for uncertainty quantification and Bayesian optimisation. Extending …
The complexity of manycore System-on-chips (SoCs) is growing faster than our ability to manage them to reduce the overall energy consumption. Further, as SoC design moves toward three-dimensional (3D) architectures, the core's power density increases …
Optimizing expensive to evaluate black-box functions over an input space consisting of all permutations of d objects is an important problem with many real-world applications. For example, placement of functional blocks in hardware design to optimize …
We consider the problem of optimizing combinatorial spaces (e.g., sequences, trees, and graphs) using expensive black-box function evaluations. For example, optimizing molecules for drug design using physical lab experiments. Bayesian optimization …